언젠가 Ellen show를 보면서 Throwback Thursday라는 표현을 보게되었습니다.
음... 이게 어떤 표현일까요?
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Throwback Thursday - Wikipedia
Throwback Thursday is a popular internet trend used among social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Users will often post nostalgic pictures of their past accompanied by the hashtag #TBT or ThrowbackThursday. It is used by people all
Throwback Thursday is a popular internet trend used among social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Users will often post nostalgic pictures of their past accompanied by the hashtag #TBT or ThrowbackThursday. It is used by people all over the world to share and relive their past experiences with anyone they want. While a majority of posts reflect positive moments in someone's past, the term throwback can be attributed to anything in the past.
인스타그램이나 트위터, 페이스북 같은 SNS에서 인기있는 트렌드라고 하네요. 과거의 향수를 불러일으키는 사진을 올리면서 #TBT, #ThrowbackThursday 같은 해쉬태그를 답니다. 과거를 공유하고자 하는 사람들 누구나 사용합니다. 보통 긍정적인 과거의 기억을 공유하게 됩니다.
The car’s design is a throwback to the 1960s. 이 차의 디자인은 1960년대 것이다. A lot of his work is a throwback to the fifties 그의 많은 작품들은 50년대의 것들을 생각나게 한다.(50년풍이다. 50년대스럽다.) |
throwback은 '회상', '과거의 것을 생각나게 하는 것'이라고 보면 되겠네요.
그럼 왜 Thursday인가요?
Sports Illustrated attributes the origin of the term to a sneaker-specific blog named Nice Kicks.[1] According to SI, this blog began a practice of regular postings (on Thursdays) of photos of old basketball footwear in 2006, titling the series "Throwback Thursday". One other source agrees, giving more insight into the origins of the term and how its usage spread.[2] Since then, the slogan has blown up to the point where #TBT has been used on Instagram over 500 million times. While the trend has origins outside of social media, it only gained popularity once major apps such as Instagram began to rise in popularity as well.
Sports illustated 라는 매거진에서는 Nice Kicks라는 스니커 관련 블로그에서 시작되었다고 하네요. 매주 목요일마다 "Throwback Thursday"라는 주제로 2006년 농구화 사진을 올렸다고 합니다. 그 이후로 인스타그램에서는 #TBT 해쉬태그가 5억 번이상 쓰이면서, 인스타그램의 인기가 올라가는 만큼 #TBT의 인기가 올라갔습니다.
아 참 그리고 #FlashbackFriday라는 것도 있어요!
Is There a Difference Between #TBT and #FBF?
If you're on social media, you've probably seen the hashtags #ThrowbackThursday and #FlashbackFriday. What's the difference between the two?
Judging by the Google Trends data, #FlashbackFriday is has been around longer than #ThrowbackThursday, but the latter appears to be more popular today. Both trends took off in 2013. Throwback Thursday may be more popular simply because it's a more active time for social media in general.
The definitions of "throwback" and "flashback" may differ slightly, but the point is the alliteration. Both hashtags are used to reflect on memories, movies, songs, shows, products, events, or trends from the past. Content shared for each hashtag is pretty much indistinguishable.
구글 트렌드에 따르면 #FlashbackFriday 혹은 #FBF 가 #ThrowbackThursday 보다 오래되었습니다. 둘 다 2013년에 시작되었다고 하네요. #FlashbackFriday는 좀 더 빈티지한 내용을 올릴 때 많이 쓰인다고 합니다.
엘렌도 재미있는 과거의 에피소드를 다시 보는 그런 코너를 Throwback thursday 코너로 만들었군요^^
#throwbackthursday #TBT #FlashbackFriday #FBF
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